Sunday, 25 Oct 2015 2:00 PM
In landscape and architecture photography it works best to have a interesting and balanced composition. In this workshop we discus examples of professional photographers and our own results. In this workshop we will also look at the specific technics used in landscape and architecture photography. We look at how colour, type and direction of lighting not only influences the atmosphere, but also changes the three-dimensional look of the scene.
Besides the standard camera exposure correction, we will adjust the contrast in our subject. After correction we will get visible information in both sky and dark areas. For this we will use the several contrast settings in the camera, work with Auto Exposure Bracketing and make High Dynamic Range images wit the use of Photoshop or in camera options. We will look at options in Photoshop the local adjust the picture to get the perfect balance and atmosphere.
It all sounds quite advanced. But you will be amassed how simple adjustments can perfect your pictures. This course is useful for beginners but also helps the more advanced photographers to perfect there skills
Do send us maximum 3 good and 3 bad examples of your landscape and architecture Photography. We will use this during the workshop to (anonymously if you prefer) discus the techniques and composition of the picture. Do also send us maximum 2 examples of (professional) Photographs you admire and want to be able to make yourself.
Do take with your camera, a tripod if you have one. The cours last 2 hours.
The teacher is Ton van der Heide, Teacher/trainer for professional photographers, art-academy students and amateurs a.o. at Digitale Fotografie Opleiding and at Fotoacademie Amsterdam. Lecturer for Apple, Adobe and Nik-software. Certified Adobe Photoshop and Apple Aperture instructor.
FOR HAARLEM PHOTO CLUB MEMBERS ONLY!.(€ 25,00 instead of € 39,50). The fee has to be paid in advance by bank transfer:NL93 KNAB 0647 6415 26 (Name: expatsHaarlem; reference HPCLAND1). You are only registered after payment.