Haarlem Architecture Photo Walk: Haarlem CS & special guests at Hofje van Staats

The walk will be lead by a local professional city guide, specialised in art & architecture. 

He will start showing us the most interesting spots of the ancient Haarlem Central Station….

(Featured Photos by Luca Coppola. Read also his article about Haarlem CS)

Later our guide John de Laat has a SPECIAL SURPRISE FOR US! We will be special guests in the HOFJE VAN STAATS (1730) in de Jansstraat. Normally only the courtyard is open to the public. But in this special visit John will bring us to see one of the most beautiful courtyards of Haarlem AND visit the Regentenkamers (masters rooms), the original attic of the main building, the original belfry and ….the roof with a unique view of the city! Because the courtyard can be viewed from inside you can see it in a different perspective than as the usual visitor.

The tour is in 2 languages: Dutch (native) and English.


If we have time, opportunity and enthusiasm about his twe will visit the Appelaar project (former Joh. Enschede publishing house) and its constituents.

Costs: € 7,50 p.p. It is preferred that you pay the fee in advance by bank transfer: NL93 KNAB 0647 6415 26 (Name: expatsHaarlem; reference HPCarch01). We have agreed with the guide that he prefers us to pay in advance but that we can also pay at the beginning of the tour. Try to have the exact amount in cash. 

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