Sunday, 24 Feb 2019 11:00 AM
This winter we would like to invite you to explore the part of the dunes which is only open 6 months a year. this path is called the “wisentenpath” for in 2007 these European bison have been released in this specific part of the dunes.
The rest of the year the path is closed for then its bison mating season. Therefore we would like to take this opportunity with you to capture a glimspe of these creatures. But please note; that there is a big chance that we won’t see them.
Either way, we know that a walk in the dunes will always do us much good, and of course we will be able to take some great photos as every part of the dunes shows us different kind of nature ( deer almost guaranteed )
The complete walk will be around 7 KM, around 3 hours, after which we will have lunch with whoever would like to join.
For further information, please visit on of the following sites:
The entrance is can be reached:
by bus 81 – busstop RICHE
or car: P Boulevard Barnaart Noord 3, just before Bernie’s Beach Club – paid parking.
We would love for you to join us, however if you RSVP and you are unable to make it, please cancel you RSVP so that we won’t wait for you.
Finally keep a close eye on the weather, and dress accordingly!