Babysuiting: Babies dressed in adult suits are the new hype on the internet.

The babysuiting trend was started by MommyShorts blogger Ilana Wiles, who said she ‘woke up and decided to make babysuiting a thing’ on Instagram.

Since her decision, the hashtag seems to have caught on.

Now, thousands have taken to social media to post pictures of their babies in suits and other outfits that are way too big for them.

Mommyblogger wanted ‘to make babysuits a thing’? She did!

See more babysuiting pictures on MommyShorts.

Arianna Ardia-Wenink
Arianna studied Literature and Arts at the University of Amsterdam, where she specialised a.o. in "museology" and "organisation & marketing of blockbuster exhibitions". After working for 6 years as market researcher & marketing analyst at, now she focuses her photography love and enthusiasm on the Haarlem Photo Club.

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